Infos about development around Teeworlds, 5 days over 7

Colors in chat

Hello tees,

This afternoon, I’ve finished coding a color feature in chat, like it exists in a lot of games. It allows you to change the color of what you are saying, by adding a ^ followed by a letter.

By example, “Hello ^rDune and ^pDune” should print: “Hello Dune and Dune” (r stands for red, and p for purple).

What it looks like ingame:

The non-gamer users will always see the second case (corresponding to cl_text_colors 0).

A list of all the possible colors:

^r: Red
^b: Blue
^y: Yellow
^p: Purple
^k: Pink
^g: Green
^h: Orange
^d: Dark
^w: White < White

This can be disabled in the Settings, or turning off cl_text_colors:
cl_text_colors 0

Also, the colors for the chat highlight have been changed, the text color is not changed anymore when someone says your name in chat, but the text outline color is, means the letters now will have a red border on highlighting.

Dunely Dune.

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